Friday 12 June 2015

Introductory Recipes For Babies 6-8 Months : Steamed Vegetable

Basic Preparation of Baby Food

Pic credit to

Steamed Vegetable
(Serves 2)

60 g (½ cup) carrots
Sufficient water to steam

1 Put the carrots in a steamer or colander
set over boiling water and steam for about
15 minutes or until tender.
2 Put the steamed carrots into blender and add
enough water to cover the carrots. Puree the
carrots into a thick smooth paste.

1 Serve with rice porridge or with some
breast milk.
2 The carrots can also be substituted with
spinach, pumpkin or mustard leaves.
3 Vegetables purees can be transferred into
a vegetable soup.

Source :'s%20Choice%20Cbook_lr.pdf

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