Friday 12 June 2015

Introductory Recipes For Babies 6-8 Months : Fish with Veggies

pic credit to's%20Choice%20Cbook_lr.pdf

Fish with Veggies
(Serves 2)
Source :'s%20Choice%20Cbook_lr.pdf

60 g (¼ cup) fish fillets, steamed
15 g (1 tbsp) peas, skin removed and cooked
10 g (1 tbsp) carrots, cut small and cooked
15 g (1 tbsp) sweet potato, cut small and cooked
60 ml (4 tbsp) breast milk

1 Place all ingredients (except milk) in a blender and puree until soft.
2 Add breast milk or some homemade stock before serving with rice porridge.

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