Friday 12 June 2015

Introductory Recipes For Babies 6-8 Months : Vegetable Stock

Vegetable Stock
(Serves 2 )
Source :'s%20Choice%20Cbook_lr.pdf

60 g (½ cup) carrots, skin peeled
120 g (2 whole) medium size potatoes,
pared and diced
40 g (1 cup) mustard leaves, chopped
300 ml (1¼ cups) water

1.  Wash the vegetables under running water and place into a clean pot.

2.  Add the water and boil potatoes and carrots until soft. Then add mustard leaves, cook for 3 minutes.

3.  Filter juice through a sieve (press boiled vegetables with a spoon to squeeze out excess juice).

4.  Serve stock to baby in a baby cup, or add into rice porridge.

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